Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A Plan and a Plot

First, I have seen a resurgence of interest from Singapore in the last 2 weeks. At this point, and including the bursts which have occurred in the past six months, I have received more hits from Singapore, twice as many in fact, than from the United State. I would be curious to know why, and encourage someone from that country to post a comment indicating the reason behind the attention.

Per the Oxford Dictionary, plan is defined as a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something, whereas plot is defined as a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.

In essence then, a plot is a plan with an insidious goal, at least as defined by someone looking from the outside.

The purpose of this post is to reveal both the plan and the plot which has been carried out by the democratic party in the recent past. In other words, I have decided it is time for a democrat to fess up and reveal the elaborate conspiracy that has been in motion for quite a while.

The conspiracy I am about to disclose is far reaching, and while I am privy to many of its details, no one knows them all, save, perhaps, the architect. Even then, he has been so clever, so careful, so intuitive in how various aspects of The Plan should unfold, that it is certainly possible that even he does not know all the specifics. As is always true of a successful and hard to unravel plot, it is best that no one know all the details. Best that the network of those involved contains the full strategy yet with no one individual knowing the exact litany of who did what and when.

The threads of this intrigue stretch much further back than you might imagine.  One might even say that the earliest inklings of how the future could be made to unfold, lie in the early days of the Obama presidency, although in reality, much of the foundation was laid by the victims themselves beginning over a half century ago.

Most of us did not enjoy history when we were in school. It was often presented in a dry fashion with too much emphasis on facts and dates but not enough on the lessons that could be gained from understanding how big events changed the course of society and culture. 

For instance, for the first few decades after WW2, the average  American citizen expressed full faith in the United States government.  And why not? We had defeated the Axis powers, saved Europe, and had re-established the clear line of who was good and who was evil, specifically democracy good, communism and socialism bad. Freedom had won the day, and the United States of America, its government and its people, were the main reason why.

But as the children of this "greatest generation" began to look about, they saw racial inequalities at home, and an unjustified war abroad. The boomers, as we were labelled, wanted to double down on the ideals of our American experiment, which meant that all citizens should gain the benefits of opportunity and freedom, not just those born white and male.  

Freedom marches by minority leaders looking for equal rights in reality, not just in words, protests against the Vietnam War, women burning bras to symbolize their upset at their second class treatment, all filled the airwaves and newspapers in the 60's and 70's. 

But the baby boomers, like all young groups, did not vote in blocks large enough to counter the propaganda which was controlled by the generation who, while winning the war against the Nazis, did not believe in the kind of equality that their children clamored for. And so, as long as they called the shots, politically and in the media, the protesters were portrayed as an anti-american element. Calling them hippies, communists, radicals, etc, the establishment of the country, represented most vocally by the GOP and various religiously affiliated organizations, portrayed these ungrateful citizens as disillusioned, at best, traitors, at worst, and the average american agreed.


From 1953 to 1993, the Republican candidate was in the White House for seven of the ten presidential terms, 28 of 40 years. And many of the contests were not even close. Eisenhower won the popular votes for his two elections by 10.5% and 15.4% respectively with well over 400 electoral college votes to boot. While Nixon's 1968 victory was close (Humphrey was within .7%, less than 1 million votes of Nixon), almost 10 million votes were cast for George Wallace (not generally known as a liberal). With Wallace out of the  presidential race in 1972, ( he was shot while campaigning in May of 1972) Nixon won the popular vote by a whopping 23.2%, almost 18 million votes.  

Reagan won the popular votes for his two elections by 8.6% and 18.2%, gaining an unimaginable 489 electoral votes in 1980 and 525 (out of 538) in 1984. While not as big of a landslide, even the first Bush won by 7.7% and garnered over 400 electoral votes.

Of the three democrats who won the White House, only Johnson's 1964 victory was republican-esque although there are some who will argue that his Vietnam War policies and the trauma of watching Kennedy die in our streets, may have played a much bigger part in his victory.  Kennedy's win over Nixon, was by less than 150,000 votes out of 68 million cast, and Carter's win over Bush, while closer in terms of the popular vote (2%, 1.65 million votes), the electoral count was 297 to 240, basically a 2 state margin.

Which brings us to 1992. The democratic party has lost 3 straight presidential elections, by an average electoral count of 480-58 and by an aggregate popular vote margin of 32 million votes. 

So, I repeat, a majority of Americans identified as conservative during this time.

Some might say that this marks the birth of the conspiracy I am revealing. I have no absolute proof of this, as I lean towards the theory that the Dems just got lucky with Clinton in 1992 for a number of reasons, but most certainly because Ross Perot ran for president in both 1992 and 1996 as a third party candidate who leaned right. While Perot did not win any electoral votes, Clinton's margin of victory, in 1992 was 5.8 million votes while Perot received over 19.7 million votes. Without Perot, perhaps the GOP would have extended their streak and Bush 1 would not have been a one term president.

Not withstanding Perot, Bush didn't help his cause after his read-my- lips, no-new-taxes-pledge, whereupon taxes were raised in his first year, and that America had just been led for twelve straight years by a republican president, and one might say that Clinton and his party were in the right place at the right time. 

Again, was Perot's entrance in the race the first act of this conspiracy? I do know that he ran on an anti-establishment platform, and as I have asserted in the above paragraphs, it was the GOP which represented the establishment at the time. That being said, the 1992 election marked the beginning, not only of the democratic party turning their seven losses out of ten into five victories in the next eight presidential contests, but also the start of a major reversal in how the american electorate votes, for not only did they win the White House those five times, they won the popular vote seven times out of eight as Bush 2 lost to Al Gore by about 500,000 votes and Trump lost to Hillary Clinton by about 2.9 million votes. 

What can explain such a turnaround in popular votes cast for the two major parties, from a 32 million vote advantage from 1980 to 1988 to a 34.5 million disadvantage from 1992 to 2020 with over 24 million of that disadvantage occurring since 2000?

I have a theory about how being the "establishment party" is generally good for a party, the example of Perot's popularity not withstanding. When the boomers were protesting but not voting, the GOP represented the establishment (as defined by big business and monied interests), and won those elections from 1980 to 1988. As the boomers began to vote, they leaned left, but only as long as their portfolios and possessions stayed average to middling. So, no surprise, Clinton wins twice because he is an outsider, but also because he leans towards business and the monied interests just enough. He is no Bush 1 or Dole, but he is certainly no Mondale of Dukakis. The perfect candidate for a generation that aspires to future wealth and material gain but likes a guy who plays the saxophone on late night talk shows.

And remember, the federal budget was actually balanced for a year or two and there was no overseas wars to speak of. Clinton and his advisers were able to read the tea leaves of what would turn the baby boomers and generation X voters, who now represented a much bigger voting percentage than the outgoing generation, towards a new definition of the government establishment. 

Whereas the older version, the one created and desired by the greatest generation wanted stability as reflected by the oft rose colored belief that the late 40's and 50's were the "good old days", this new version recognized women and minorities as real people, while still holding fast to the idea that law breakers needed to be punished. I often say that Clinton was the best republican president of my life, as reflected in his free trade agreements, crackdown on "crime" which was code for inner city folks (usually black and brown) who used drugs and ruined schools and neighborhoods, and revisions of laws such as Glass Steagall. 

Unfortunately, Al Gore was no Bill Clinton. Now gaining wealth, the boomers look to a candidate that doesn't want them to take responsibility for their selfish actions. Climate change, petro wealth, growing income inequality, no thanks. Give me the candidate who reflects the establishment, the Bush name, but who did drugs in college and drinks beer. Bush barely wins the 2000 election, in part thanks for the Florida Supreme Court, and widens his victory over Kerry in 2004, with help from the 9/11 terror attack because nothing says establishment like big military excursions into poorly armed third world countries.

In other words, the boomers voted like their parents. The Plan took a hit, although, again, the days of huge GOP presidential victories were in the rear view mirror.  The dynamics of the changing composition of the american electorate was still a fact. 

And so, this retro pattern was short-lived.  The economic meltdown of 2008 was linked to those old establishment policies that the boomers had protested when they were young. Income inequality, along with multiple, wasteful overseas wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not too mention a real hit to the boomers 401K balances, tipped the balance even further towards the Dems. 

And then along comes Barrack Obama. Young, intelligent, articulate, an outsider in terms of Washington politics, and Black. Clinton without the sexual intrigue. In 2008 and 2012, boomers remember their roots, while the idealism of Generation X and the Milennials, give Obama overwhelming victories. 

It is my basic tenet that the voters of America seek alignment with the establishment. The key is understanding how establishment is defined. As I stated earlier, the greatest generation's definition was different than the boomers and early Generation X voters. Similarly, establishment today as defined by the later Generation X and Millenial voters differs as well. 

This is the key to the Plan which the democratic party has adhered to, while the GOP still clings to the old definition which was so successful in the 40 years prior to 1992. 

Unfortunately, it was this very plan that resulted in the 2016 loss for the dems and for Hillary Clinton. Her nomination still reflected social change (the first woman president!) but failed to take into consideration that a swath of voters, mostly older, would never vote for a women, but instead would identify with Trump's virtually complete rejection of anything establishment, including establishment as identified by social and cultural change. Trump told his followers that returning to the mores of the 50's would return America to the time when the country itself represented goodness and greatness and that it was the new message of the dems, the message that reflected the attitudes of the voting blocks just beginning to flex its muscles that was ruining America and that we needed to take our country back from.

Trump trumped the Plan. But, there was an unknown segment of The Plan that even Trump could not foresee. And this is where The Plot begins to emerge.

Most people recollect Joe Biden as the VP who generated as much news by his gaffs as his policies. He was the old time politician who had peaked, and was now riding the coat tails of the new force in DC, Obama. But what most people do not realize is that much of that persona was planned. Biden acted the side kick, precisely so that some measure of attention could be diverted from Obama as he learned the ropes of governing. A planned distraction, so to speak. And, as it turned out in 2020, just in case...

If the DNC and democratic voter wanted Hillary as their next president, Biden was on board. But as the 2020 election neared, it became clear that The Plan was not enough to continue the dems recent presidential victories. Biden, ever the underestimated politician, continued to solidify his relationships in Congress, while working with democratic strategists to better understand how to counter Trump's inroads with the electorate, inroads that eventually resulted in his presidential election victory.

Biden knew that an anti-establishment platform was only successful in the short term, and was difficult to maintain because eventually, voters, want more than just being told what is wrong. Biden knew that Trump did not have any real moral or political guideposts. His main strategy was to break down all norms, attack all institutions, and convince enough people that only he could fix our shared troubles. A great strategy when things are going well, but when a true challenge appears, one which requires leadership, strong decision making, and an ability to explain what is being done, Biden knew Trump could not succeed. 

And so when the pandemic began in the spring of 2020, Biden knew Trump would fail to address the situation because he would find himself stuck between his medical experts who prescribed social distancing and temporary closures of business, and his own narcissist belief that money and business are more important than people. Trump knew that people would die if nothing was done to prevent the spread of the virus, but also knew that the economy would suffer, as would his chances of reelection. 

And Biden knew Trump would do anything to not lose, even if it meant repeating conspiracy theories about treatment and cures for Covid. Trump went all in with his anti-establishment message, but in this case, that meant attacking vaccines and established medical science, and then, rather than creating a national response, he abdicated his responsibility to the states then attacked those whose policies he didn't like, even when the mortality rates of those states flattened out sooner, while the rates of the states led by those governors who ignored the science surpassed those of the East Coast states where the virus first wreaked havoc.

Biden realized that most Americans, while maintaining a reasonable distrust of the pharmaceutical industry, did not believe that the Covid vaccine was dangerous, did not believe that their DNA was being altered by the vaccine, did not believe that there was a tracking device now floating in their bodies from the immunizations. 

In the meantime, gun violence continued to kill Americans at an alarming rate, gun violence now being the biggest killer of children in our country, but Biden knew that those same old fashioned values that said guns are more important than lives, that Trump continued to repeat, did not reflect the values of the new generations of voters, later Generation X, Millenials, and Generation Y voters. Add to that the resurgence of anti-abortion laws, again backed by Trump via his Supreme Court nominations, and the onslaught of attacks on mail and machine voting, and Biden and the democrats had created the perfect triad of issues.

At this point, the GOP in general, and Trump specifically represent the anti-establishment party but the establishment values they rail against are the ability to vote by mail, to vote early, to vote more efficiently by machine, reproductive freedom for women, and attempts to reduce access to weapons whose only use is to kill people. 

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Donald Trump boasted of the huge crowds at his rallies while Biden stayed in his basement. If you recall, there was not much push back from Biden concerning his reluctance to expose fellow democrats to the virus, the obvious reason being that if people leaning Democrat were hospitalized or died before the election, that would reduce his chances of winning. But more than that, Biden knew Trump didn't care if people got Covid at his rallies and died, only that he could brag about the thousands of people who attended.

And when Trump blasted mail in voting, claimed it was rife with fraud, Biden just smiled and encouraged the electorate to vote in whatever way was best for them, because he knew that the more people who voted, the better for him since history had already turned to where all but one of the previous six presidential elections had resulted in a democratic popular vote victory.

And when Trump promised the evangelical community that he would create a conservative majority on the Supreme Court (and make abortion illegal), Biden just smiled and said that reproductive freedom for women was a cherished right that he would not support removing because Biden knew that women now make up more than 50% of the voters in our country.

By now, you may have realized that Joseph R. Biden Jr, is the architect of The Plot.  That now only was he not "hiding" in the basement during the summer of 2020, he was meeting with various members of Congress, governors, pundits, newspaper moguls, and influencers, both democratic and republican. 

He spoke to them about the ultimate values of America, respect for differing political opinions, the importance of a peaceful transition of power, the changing demographics of the American electorate, and the inevitable result of any presidential election if one party told our country that limiting voting participation, enacting policies that put more guns on our streets, attacking our nation's capital and then calling for the pardons of those who beat up police and ransacked the halls of Congress, restricting women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies and allowing Russia to invade another country was patriotic or moral or the future of America.

Some people he was able to convince with just his words. Some, especially those on the other side of the aisle, he had to promise that they would retain their personal power as Governor or Party leader, as long as they allowed contested voting results to remain in Biden's column. Some he had to simply pay off, as we all know that there are far too many public servants that answer to money above all us. 

Too old? Hardly. Joe Biden is a genius who bided his time as VP for eight years, allowed Hillary her chance in the Big Seat, then took over the mechanics of the democratic party to not only save America from an individual who would rather destroy american democracy than admit he lost an election, but also fed into the media frenzy surrounding Covid, mail-in voting, abortion rights, gun control, with very specific stories and talking points to create an environment that the GOP and Donald Trump would misread into thinking that the American public wants abortion restrictions, automatic weapons for everyone, stricter voting laws, an emboldened Russia and pardons for terrorists who attack the seat of our law making body.

When in reality, most Americans are against those ideas, have rejected them in the last 3 elections, in 2018 when the GOP lost the House, in 2020 when the GOP lost the Senate and White House and in 2022 when the red wave was a trickle.

And, if everything stays the way it is, with Trump leading the GOP primary field by 35 or 40 points depending on the poll, and having now been indicted four times on just a bit under 100 counts, Biden continues to work under the radar, prodding the right people and pulling the right levers all to convince Trump and the GOP that the American people are willing to elect a four times accused felon. As if the voters of America want a guy running the country from federal prison. 

But, if for some reason the electorate makes the wrong choice, The Plot will engage the next phase, whatever genius Joe has created, and Biden will serve another 4 years.


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