Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Meeting

                           The Meeting

To say that the meeting was contentious would be a gross understatement. Voices became raised, tempers simmered, opinions were expressed with gestures, raised eyebrows and stares. 

Many valid points were made on both sides, although not many minds were changed from one viewpoint to the other.

Despite the distance between the two sides, there was agreement on one critical issue. The situation was intolerable, out of hand, and something had to be done, some action employed.

As the hours turned to days, a number of proposals were put forth, but none of them garnered the requisite majority to be approved. As the impasse continued, it became clear that some form of compromise was necessary, as both sides knew that doing nothing was not an option.

On day four it was decided that a subset of negotiators would be chosen from each side, empowered with the blessing of the whole to reach an accommodation that would address the issue, but more than that, have a high percentage chance of succeeding. 

After two more days, a consensus began to emerge, followed surprisingly quickly by the capitulation of the last few dissenters. With elation mixed with caution, the final plan was presented to the group as a whole having gained a substantial majority of votes.

Now came the last and most important step. Presenting the plan to the ultimate arbiter who would allow it to proceed or send it back for further discussion.

As was the custom, an assembly was called. Without fanfare, the boss walked across the meeting room stage, nodded to the assemblage, then proceeded to read through the single page draft of the proposal.

She read it quickly, then seemed to hesitate, then read it again, a bit slower. She nodded twice which the group interpreted as a sign that their combined effort would be validated.

This conclusion was reinforced when she smiled.

And so it was that after seven days, a plan concocted by the angels assigned to Earth, was sanctioned by God. But with one minor yet significant change.

The original plan was to recruit as unlikely a person as possible to execute the scheme. While this person would pay with his life, such divine intervention would be rewarded with an eternal prize, for the recruit would not understand what drove him to commit such a crime, would not be cognizant of the source of the idea as it germinated in his mind and his heart. 

His past indifference to politics was precisely why he would be able to accumulate the weapons he would need, to access the secure area where he could accomplish the objective. His lifetime of avoiding the spotlight, of seeking not to be noticed, would also add to the ease in which he would be successful. 

Now, of course, there was some influence exerted by the angels, some confusion sowed among the security teams as they guarded the presidential candidate. But in didn't take much as this man, the target, was exceedingly vain, someone who boasted that nothing he did was wrong, that only he could save the nation. His pride drove him to hold rallies in open spaces difficult to secure. His belief that those with guns liked him best, convinced him that he was beyond injury. His over sized ego reinforced his faith that what was good for him was good for his country, and so nothing bad could happen to him.

As was thus decreed, on July 13th, a lone shooter clambered up a ladder onto a roof and shot the presidential candidate minutes into his speech. However, it was not a kill shot, the gun having been touched ever so slightly by the hand of God. 

For you see, the angels' plan was to kill this person but God, in her infinite wisdom, chose to spare the life of this man. As was consistent with her omniscience, she preferred free will over a heavy, celestial hand in the activities of her children on Earth. 

Ever hopeful, she was patient even in the face of our seeming intolerance of the bounties she bestowed on us, the diversity of her creations, the allowance for equity in opportunity, and the inclusion of all her children in the wonders of life, and the possibilities of peace and harmony.
Would violence beget violence or would a truce prevail?

Would common ground be sought or would vitriol and hatred continue to drive the debates?

Would humanity find that shining city upon the hill, or would a broken populace inspire a turn away from democracy and embrace of governments not based on laws, but force and violence?

God waits for our response, hopeful, patient. 

But with the knowledge and experience that experiments such as life and existence and time, fail far more than they succeed. Fortunately, there is no end to her capacity to inspire... and wait. 

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