Monday, August 26, 2019

Greenland and David Koch

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you have heard me mention that I watch Real Time with Bill Maher.  While Maher is a comedian by vocation, he mixes political satire as well as political and social debate into his show via his guests and topics.  Real Time is one of the few places where one can find actual differences of opinion (albeit often with humor interjected) concerning the topics of the day, as Maher does his best to invite people who will present a perspective that is to the right of his own.  While I generally agree with his opinions, I do not agree with all of his opinions, especially those which often appear to me to be a bit Islamophobic. 

On last week's show, Maher made a comment about the death of David Koch, noted conservative, billionaire, and major source of funding of anti-climate change propaganda.  Maher's comment, that he was glad that Koch was dead, was extremely insensitive.  When I heard it, I wasn't sure at first if he was going for a laugh, as many of Maher's comments during his opening monologue are intended to be humorous.  If not every week, he very often directs a jibe at the Democratic Presidential candidates, the leadership of that party, ex-President Obama, and the often outlandish actions of some far left liberals, especially in the area of politically correct thinking that results in the shaming of those who do not agree with that particular viewpoint.  And, of course, he makes fun of President Trump very often. 

For me, and for Bernie Sanders who I read scolded his audience at a rally when they cheered the news of Koch's death, this is a step too far.  There are far too many serious problems that we can debate, real differences of opinions that we can refer to when commenting on the actions of men like Koch, without resorting to a cheap shot when he has passed.  David Koch spent tens of millions of dollars in an effort to challenge the science of climate change, and man's role in it, while reaping the benefits of an industry that pollutes our planet.  His efforts to gut environmental regulations, emasculate unions, and water down worker's rights are legendary.  But, while I understand Maher's distaste for the man and his actions, he should have either said nothing, or limited his comments to the hope that those who lead Koch Industries may take a different approach to climate change.  We must remember that his family is grieving, his wife having lost her husband, his children having lost their father.  They do not deserve to be hurt, even if we think David Koch was less than charitable towards Mother Earth.

For me, I truly believe that Koch will realize his wrong doings, be fully cognizant of the harm he has wrought on the planet, and spend a considerable time in the afterlife regretting those decisions.  Perhaps even, like Bob Marley, be assigned the task of warning his brothers to make "humanity, the business of men".

Which brings us to Greenland.

It was all over the news in the last couple of weeks that President Trump was thinking of buying Greenland from Denmark.  At first glance, it seemed to be just another distraction by the master of illusion, but there was actually a planned visit to Denmark to discuss it which was cancelled after the reports that the Danes were not interested in selling.  The President's reasons for this idea, one which was actually broached in the 1930's by President Truman, were not fully explained, but I have heard some defenders of the thought list, among others, mineral and other natural resource rights, and new Arctic Sea routes, potential areas of profit and improved industry which will most likely occur as a result of global warming. 

Is that where we are now?  Climate change is happening, but there will also be good things as a result, so we should make sure we get a piece of that pie.  I am reminded of the scene in Dr Strangelove, when, while discussing life after the nuclear devastation that is about to take place, there is concern over a "mine shaft gap", which might occur if the Russkies procure more mine shaft space to breed, thus emerging when the earth is habitable again in superior numbers, thereby taking over the world.  In this scenario, we are worried about an "arctic sea route gap" whereby Russian and/or China, especially China, get the upper hand and monopolize the control of those new sea routes.  "Mr President, we must not have an arctic sea route gap"! 

The irony, or is it just complete denial, is that those in the war room with Dr Strangelove, like those discussing the positive effects of global warming, skip conveniently past the immense loss of life after a nuclear war in the case of the movie, and skip past the immense environmental harm that rising sea levels, hotter and longer summers, larger and more devastating storms will bring, not to mention the displacement of tens, perhaps even hundreds of millions of people who currently reside within 60 miles of the world's coastlines.

What is truly SAD, is that there is real glacial melting occurring in Greenland, real serious melting.  This summer's record heat will contribute to upwards of 400 billion tons of ice melting or calving from Greenland's giant ice sheet.  In one 5 day period, it is estimated that 58 billion tons of ice melted from the surface.  One particular glacier, the Helheim, has retreated 6 miles since 2005.  And that only documents what we can see, above ground.  Estimating the effect of warming sea water at the base of this frozen island is just beginning to be understood,  In other words, higher temps are causing melting from above, creating higher sea levels, which warm the oceans creating a second front on the glaciers from below. 

So, while pundits joke and businessmen plot and our president does, I am not sure what, we are experiencing the first few episodes of "As Our Planet Warms", and yet, at best, we remain oblivious to the signs, at worst, bury our heads in our TV's, 401K statements, and social media likes.

At the end of Maher's recent show, he made a personal plea to President Trump to do a 180 degree turn concerning the environment.  To recognize climate change as a serious global threat, to encourage the growth of green energy sources, to address the burning Amazon Forests, to call on our business leaders to replace single use plastics, and to put the protection in the Environmental Protection Agency again. 

For this, Maker pledged to vote for Trump in 2020.  As do I.  It is in your hands now Mr President.  You know you have your base, but if really want to win the popular election, really want your face on Mt Rushmore, really want to Make America Great Again, you will become the environmental warrior that we need.  Anything short of that, and I am afraid you may be remembered as just another leader of the early 21st century who put personal interests and short term thinking above the planet.   


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