Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The aftermath of the midterms

So, today is the day when we find out if President Trump's popularity will keep the blue wave at bay or whether, while galvanizing his base, he has lost those voters who identify as independent or moderate.

Whatever the outcome, I am sure of one thing.  Both sides will claim victory!!

There is a history of an incumbent president's party losing seats in Congress.  Despite the historic nature of Obama's 2008 election victory, by 2010, the GOP via the Tea Party movement and the still lingering effects of the recession of 2008, picked up an astounding 63 seats in the House and 9 in the Senate, a turnaround not seen since 1938 when the Democratic party under FDR lost a combined 79 seats.  The difference however, is that in 1938 the Dems retained control of the Congress while Obama and the Dems lost the House as well as their political momentum. 

In other words, should the Dems gain their 25 seats to take control of the House, it will be hailed a victory.  However, 25, or even 30 is far less than the 63 seats gained by the GOP in 2010, so there will be a reason to celebrate for the GOP as well.  Also, should the Senate remain in control of the GOP, there will also be reason for GOP celebration even if the count draws even at 50-50, as VP Pence holds the tie breaker. 

Additionally, there are 36 Governor elections today which is just as important in regards to gerrymandering.  Should a few key governor mansions change political hands, there will be reason for joy for the Dems. 

All in all, a very exciting time.  Hopefully, there will be record breaking turnout.

Should the Dems take the house, I truly hope that they win graciously, meaning that they don't bog down the government with endless hearings and indictments.  Certainly, I would like to see the president's tax returns, and I would hope that the Mueller investigation wraps up soon so we can
put to bed the Russian connection and incarcerate those who actively sought quid pro quo for voter influence and tampering.  But let the legal system handle those efforts.  Tamp down the politics of it, and present the facts as revealed, without embellishment, without hyperbole. 

I know there is some support for fighting fire with fire, heck, I have even advocated it at times in certain situations.  But there is nothing that can be revealed or implicated that will turn a true Trump supporter into a doubter.  As he has said more than once, he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose his base.  It is the independent voters, and the moderates of both parties that we need to focus on.  They will determine this election, as well as future ones.  Gain their trust by creating bills that will bolster the middle class, continue to provide economic opportunity, address climate change, encourage entrepreneurship, improve our nation's infrastructure, address our education woes, encourage public-private partnerships when appropriate, underscore the advantages of a more diverse leadership demographic, propose immigration changes that reward American values as exhibited by the majority of the dreamers while also providing border security to identify the small percentage of immigrants who engage in criminal acts.  Most, if not all of these proposals, reflect the majority of Americans' viewpoint, for good reason. 

Pass these bills regardless of whether the Senate might let them die in committee.  Take to the airwaves and newspapers the positive message of the liberal agenda, and win back those who want leadership and progress, not division and stagnation.  And, if the Senate does pass some of these bills, with or without provisions, and the President vetoes them, double the effort to inform Americans that these ideas address the needs of those who are not just the 1%, and reflect the values that built our country.

Finally, above all, let the President continue his rallies without comment or coverage.  Let him continue his use of negative rhetoric in regards to his political opponents, the press, those of color, immigrants, Muslims, the LBGTQ community, etc.  Allow him his time in the sun for it is only in the light that we can distinguish prejudice and malice from equality and hope.  Let him win the rhetorical battle without retort or revenge, while we win the war for America's soul with love and kindness and a smile.

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